27 May, 2009

How To Install VMWareServer2 on Ubuntu 9.04

How To Install VMWareServer2 on Ubuntu 9.04

The VMWare team finally decided to make an Ubuntu friendly version of their software, and made installation relatively easy!
They removed the VMWare server console and instead change to Web browser easy to use management system! That means friendly to use for you and me!

So lets get startet to install.
This is what you need to do to install VMWare Server 2 on Ubuntu 9.04:

Note: If you using ubuntu server and doesn't have a GUI, you need to register for the download, and then download it to your Desktop machine, any folder you want.

Now, to the install steps:

1. Install the necesarry prerequisites

$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd

2. Now change into the directory where you want your VMWare TAR ball to be. I saved mine in /home/morphus.dk/vm

$ cd /home/yourusername/vm

Note: if your didn't make a directory yet, you do it like this:

$ mkdir vm
now you have a directory name "vm"
then copy your VMware tarball to that "vm" directory,like this

$ cp whereeveryourare/VMware-server-*.tar.gz VMware-server-*.tar.gz

then change directory to "vm" or what ever you have call it, like this

$ cd whereeveryouare/vm

3. Now Extract the TAR ball and run the installer

$ tar xvfz VMware-server-*.tar.gz

$ cd vmware-server-distrib

$ sudo ./vmware-install.pl

4. You can hit enter for all of the defaults, except when asked for a name of an alternate administrator. For that enter your username.
If you don't, you will have to reset the root password as that is the default administrator for VMWare Server,
when asked for the direcrory of virtual machines, you have the option of saving them in a different directory. I for instance like to save mine in /home/morphus.dk/vm.
5. Near the end, you will have to enter your serial number which you received when you first registered for the download.
6. Done! Now you are ready to login! You can login to the web console by browsing to

Log in to VMserver2:

  1. http://servername:8222
  2. or http://localhost:8222 (or hvat ever port you set, thru installation)

After building your first machine, you can view it through the web console in Firefox after installing the correct plugins which you will be prompted for in the web console.
That is it! Seriously! Can you believe it? In just about all previous Ubuntu versions, and VMWare Server versions it has been 1.5 bitches to install. This time it is really really easy!
After you installing it, and have any comments, let me know what you think!

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