01 May, 2013

Configure Pidgin to connect to Google Talk

Follow the originally google setup, link can you find here

Once you download Pidgin, you'll need to configure your client to connect to the Google Talk service.
To configure your account:

  1. Open Pidgin.
  2. Select Add.
    screenshot of add button
  3. Enter the following information in the Add Account window:
    • Protocol: XMPP
    • Screen Name: your Google Talk username (without any @ symbol or domain).
    • Server: Enter the portion of your email address after the @ symbol. For example, gordon@example.com will enter example.com as the server value. (If you're not a Google Apps for Your Domain user, please visit the Google Talk Help Center for instructions.)
    • Password: we suggest leaving this field blank for increased security, but if you'd like to log in automatically, enter your password
    • Local Alias: leave this field blank
    • Remember password: check the box if you'd like Pidgin to remember your password (you won't be prompted to enter it each time you log in, if you select this option)
    • New mail notifications: check the box if you'd like Pidgin to notify you of unread email in your inbox.
      screenshot of add account settings
  4. Click the Advanced tab and select Require SSL/TLS.
  5. Click Save.
You're now ready to connect to the Google Talk service using Pidgin. 

But if you are running your own domain on google APPs, then you need to configure this setting bellow in Advanced TAB.
  • Connection security: Use old-style SSL
  • Connect port: 5223 (this was the default, but it’s worth repeating here)
  • Connect server: talk.google.com

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